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An alien landing from Mars might well think they landed in the 1980's - such is the popularity of neon clothes and clubbing rave accessories with the youth of today. Maybe its a sign of bad financial times that people strive to break out of the gloom and enjoy something bright & colorful.
Nowhere is this more evident that in the clubbing camiseta de barcelona scene, whether camiseta españa it camiseta eslovaquia be neon tutu's, brightly colored uvReactive make-up or one of a gazillion different flashing clubbing toys and accessories. Girls, and boys it seems - just want to have fun!
People who remember the last neon craze look on, bewildered at girls in bright neon pink tutus and dripping with neon beads, bracelets and various other accessories.
Across the land, children's parties have become 'neon parties' - with dad sent on a mission to the nearest hardware store to find a 'black' light.