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Long commutes are hazardous to our health. I don't think that's a surprise. However, researchers at Washington University thought it was necessary to have 4,297 people document their commuting distance, body mass index, waist circumference, fasting glucose and lipid levels, as well as blood pressure. The participants also reported their physical activity for the previous 3 months. Guess what? Long-distance commuters had lower cardiovascular fitness, bigger body mass index and waist circumference, as well as higher blood pressure. In other words, they'd had less time to exercise ? and maybe the researchers had too much time on their hands.
Font size matters. According to a study published in the journal PLoS One, people have more of an emotional, brain response to words in large fonts. When 25 study participants were connected to an electroencephalograms (a device measuring electrical activity in the brain), positive words (holiday) and negative words (disease) elicited stronger, emotional, brain responses when printed in larger type. However, changing the size of neutral words (chair) didn't get the same response. It seems the effects of emotional words are increased when presented in large fonts. Think "GIRL GIVES BIRTH TO ALIEN". To tabloid headline writers, this isn't "new news".
This information provides a new slant on natural cleaners. Rubbing ketchup on copper and brass cookware removes tarnish. A thick cheap nike sunglasses paste of oatmeal and water cleans dirty hands. To clean the inside of a vase or small-necked bottle fill cheap gucci sunglasses it three-fourths with warm water, add 1 tablespoon uncooked rice, cover, shake and rinse. To remove grease from a carpet pour cornstarch on the spot and vacuum 30 minutes later. Finally, buffing a stainless steel sink with a cloth dampened with club soda and wiping dry with another cloth removes scuffmarks. Of course, adding club soda to scotch removes worries about scuffmarks.
Finally, for those who are afraid of clowns, the fear is called coulrophobia. The prefix "coulro" comes from the ancient Greek word for "one who goes on stilts". According to psychologist Rami Nader, director of the North Shore Stress and Anxiety designer sunglasses for women Clinic in Vancouver, the phobia may be traced to clowns wearing disguises that hide real feelings. In 2008 when researchers at England's University of Sheffield asked approximately 250 children ages 4-16 about using clowns to decorate a children's hospital ward, the majority disliked clowns. So … if people seem afraid of Ronald McDonald, they may not be "clowning around".