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Despite the overwhelming amount of confusing "misinformation" both online and in bodybuilding magazines (which are owned by supplement companies),the basic principles of building muscle are simple and will never change.
We train with basic,compound movements (stimulating 2 or more muscle groups at a time), as opposed to isolation movements (stimulating one muscle group at a time).Then we replenish our body with 5-6 small,nutritious meals a day spaced 2-3 hours apart.Last, we make sure to get PLENTY of quality rest every day. Simple, right? Then why aren't more people making the muscle gains they work so hard for? Let's investigate further...
Mistake #1: Overtraining
More is not always better......unless it's rest!
The more you want something, the harder you work for it, right? "The equipaciones de futbol baratas more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it", and on it goes. And to be honest, in most areas of life this would be quite true.
But in our quest to gain lean muscle fast, spending hours on end training is actually counterproductive! That's camiseta rooney right. Not only must the muscles have the proper recuperation time in between workouts, but they must be trained with the MINIMAL amount of exercise needed to trigger muscle growth.
Yep...that's right. Because most people train too often actually SLOWS or even HALTS muscle growth altogether!
Following these guidelines will help BUILD MUSCLE FAST:
1)Perform 4-8 sets for larger muscle groups (thighs,back,chest) and 3-4 for smaller muscle groups (abs,shoulders,biceps,calves,etc...).
2)Workouts should last NO LONGER than one hour.
3)Train no more than 3 days per week.
4)Get plenty of quality rest.
5)Eat lot's of quality foods
6)Never train if you are sick
If you are training with the proper intensity there is NO NEED to train more often or for longer because it will only over-train you and be counterproductive.
Mistake #2: Improper Meal Planning
Eat often....Eat Light....Eat Right.
This is possibly the most common mistake of all time! A trainer friend of mine once told me "a lot of people know how to train, but nobody knows how to eat. That's why I make so much money"!
Without proper meal planning,your program is DOOMED to fail. Period.
Because working out is only half the battle....
Just as important are the nutrients you feed your body to replenish it throughout the day,and how often you eat these meals.
The "three square camiseta ronaldo real madrid 2012 meals a day" mentality does not apply here.
In order to gain lean muscle quickly, you must consume 5-7 small meals a day spaced 2-3 hours apart. This will probably require some planning but is CRUCIAL to the success of any strength training or muscle building program. You will gain muscle mass and burn more fat with this method.
Why? Because....
1)Eating more often keeps your body in an anabolic state. You see, hunger is the enemy of muscle gain. It puts your body in a "catabolic state", which means it breaks down your hard earned muscles for food.
By keeping your body in an anabolic state, you will not only keep your current gains but build new muscle tissue as well.
2)You'll burn fat quicker. Having your stomach slightly full all the time keeps you fat burning metabolism raised,helping to burn fat and build muscle around the clock. Since your body isn't hungry,it doesn't store fat but burns it off instead.